Author Biography:
Kathy Hill grew up as a pastor’s kid spending time in both Colorado and California. She worked her way through business as a successful home-based Tupperware lady, to the CEO and founder of a national tax representation company, Tax Tiger, and along the way she inspired, motivated, and produced incredible results. Her story is balanced with her unwavering faith in God, and what HIS place should be in your growing business and personal life. Trial after trial, success after success, nothing seemed to stand in the way of a business backed by God, nor would it stop that train from moving forward. After reading this book, you will most certainly envision a new outlook on your business today, and what the future should hold. Kathy utilizes these same principles in leading church small groups and women’s prison ministries.
Some of the most successful CEO’s and companies alike, are headed by individuals with a strong and unwavering faith, morals, ethics, and care for others. This book will take you on her journey and inspire you.
Kathy Hill is a true entrepreneur, discovering her business roots as a successful home-based Tupperware lady. Little did she know that her skills in communicating and building relationships would lead to being the Founder and CEO of Tax Tiger,™ a national tax resolution company with franchises in several states. As a champion today for anyone who is dealing with financial adversities, she has become a master negotiator in bringing financial relief to thousands of Americans every year. Throughout her path to success, she always knew that she had a true partner; a partner that was a constant in her presence.
Is God’s Hand On Your Business? is a true testament to her faith in herself, in her vision and in Him.
Client Testimonial
After my divorce from Dennis, I found myself in the devastating situation of owing the IRS over one million dollars. It was my worst nightmare and there was no way I could afford to pay it. I searched for someone to help me and met with a tax attorney in Sacramento who told me he could help me for a fee of $100,000. There was no way I could afford that, and I left with a greater fear than I had before. Then I called Tax Tiger and went in for a free consultation. I felt immediate peace as their office is calming and beautiful. Prior to this meeting, the IRS had levied my checking account and taken everything I had, even though I had signed an Installment agreeement. I had a baby to support and no money to buy food or pay the rent.
What a tremendous relief it was to meet Kathy Hill, who immediately put my mind at ease and explained the process of settling with the IRS. We filled out all the paperwork and Tax Tiger went to work. It was a very long process of over four years, fighting the IRS at every step. Kathy instilled a sense of peace and comfort and the worry and fear faded. She and her team worked so hard and for so long that I was amazed there was such a company who would go the extra mile without ever asking for more money along the way. Four long years later, they settled with me for $11,000 and I was beyond ecstatic. Kathy never gave up on me or got tired of fighting them. Her tenacity is something to behold and her company a blessing to all needing help. I give her the highest recommendation and praise for a job well done.
Annie Rodman
I titled the book – Is God’s Hand On Your Business? – because I have had the incredible experience over the past 20 years of my life to watch how God’s hand hovers over my business growth and development.
It started when I became a Tupperware lady in my early 20′s to earn some extra income for my family, and I found that God had given me skills that I didn’t know I had. Over the years, He led me through many new, and sometimes difficult business arenas, but all of them were for a reason and part of the grand plan that He had for my life.
Ultimately, I founded my own company Tax Tiger, a tax representation company established to help aid taxpayers with difficult tax situations and liabilities, who are left with nowhere to turn.
Is God’s Hand On Your Business? – is not only my collection of stories of God’s favor and my unwavering faith, but also 15 key principles that I believe caused God’s hand to hover over my endeavors. These same principles can be applied to any business for greater financial and spiritual growth, and God has placed it on my heart to share them with both, successful and struggling business owners, so that they may soar like eagles.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.” – NIV Psalm 90:17
Why I wrote this book:
This book comes from the encouragement and prodding of so many people who have heard my amazing story and told me to put it down on paper. I’ve never quite had the time to tackle such a large project until last year when I was encouraged once again by a dear friend, and it was in that moment that God clearly said to me, “Yes, you need to do this.” At that moment, writing the book became more about the people I could help by sharing my story, than about the time sacrifice it would take to develop it.
I reflected on the things that I do on a regular basis, day in and day out, which would cause God’s hand to be on my business, and what I found were 15 Essential Principles for Success and Prosperity. I am 100% certain that God is going to use this book in a mighty and powerful way for struggling businesses to promote a turn around in today’s tough economy, and for already successful businesses to prosper further.
This became another “burning bush” moment for me, and clearly outside of my comfort zone, but then again, God has been doing things with me for years that pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and because I was obedient, He has blessed me each and every time.
My company, Tax Tiger, just celebrated its 11 year anniversary, and over those 11 years we have helped thousands of taxpayers resolve their tax liabilities with the IRS. The financial burdens they carried were lifted off of their shoulders, erasing fear, stress, and sleepless nights. We have even literally saved lives, giving back hope and peace of mind with exceptional results.
Here are a few words from someone essential in helping me start my business:
I joined forces with Kathy in 2002 to aid her in starting Tax Tiger. There were constant challenges and we had our share of bumps and bruises along the way, but we were determined, and you never have met a more tenacious person with unshakable faith than Kathy Hill. On one particular occasion, Kathy had let me know of a specific direction she wanted to take the business. I was thinking to myself how she was nuts to think we could make that plan work. Doing my best to be supportive though, I shared with Kathy that I would be in the trenches with her, however challenging and far reaching it was. She assured me that she has been praying on it that morning, and that it was the exact course to take. I chuckled, knowing her strength and mind, and we went to work. Not twenty minutes later, I received a phone call from a random company that had been referred to us about opening a dialogue towards an alliance and partnership, the exact goal we were speaking of earlier that morning. I said to her, “There you go praying again!”. That phrase has turned out to be one of my most used phrases with Kathy. She should be the poster child for “Prayer Works”! I have now had the pleasure of knowing this amazing woman for eleven years and am blessed to have her in my life. Little does Kathy know what a huge influence she has been, and continues to be, for me. Often times when I’m setting out to accomplish a specific goal and I’m feeling a little insecure, I think to myself, “How would Kathy handle this?” Undoubtedly, the answer always follows, “Pray on it, and then give thanks knowing it IS done.” Listen to this woman, you will learn a lot.
– Past Director of Operations, Carla Giampapa